VersaWorks Dual Free Upgrade


Welcome to Roland VersaWorks Dual Free upgrade page.

We are pleased to announce that all customers who are using specified Roland DG inkjet printers and printer/cutters can now upgrade from your current RIP software, Roland VersaWorks, to our latest edition, Roland VersaWorks Dual. Please find a list of the specified models below.

Roland VersaWorks Dual Upgrade Models

  • SOLJET PRO 4 XR-640
  • VersaCAMM VS-640i/540i/300i
  • VersaCAMM SP-540i/300i
  • VersaSTUDIO BN-20
  • VersaEXPRESS RF-640
  • VersaUV LEJ-640
  • VersaUV LEC-540/330
  • VersaUV LEF-20/12

Features of Roland VersaWorks Dual

Roland VersaWorks Dual boasts a new core engine for improved file processing, including files with transparencies, plus advanced, easy-to-use capabilities that will dramatically enhance your printing job efficiency. Features include:

  • User-friendly VersaWorks interface
  • PDF/PostScript processing engine natively handles PDF, EPS and PS files
  • Processes transparencies, drop shadows and other effects
  • Ability to save and store unlimited queue settings
  • Rotate and mirror variable print data from inside the RIP
  • Predictive ink calculator estimates the amount of ink needed for each job
  • Spot color replacement with built-in PANTONE® libraries
  • Advanced cropping, tiling and nesting options
  • Special colour plates setup like White and Clear (gloss) directly in the RIP software

How can you download Roland VersaWorks Dual?

Click here!